The Plan tab of the route planner is based on the identified addresses whereas the Roads tab lists the roads that need to be travelled to reach that address. It is possible that the specified address of a parcel of land can be reached without travelling on the road indicated by the address.
This most commonly occurs when the waypoint is located on, or close to, a corner. As the following examples illustrate, this is not always easy to identify and can appear as if the two lists are contradictory.
βExample 1:
In the route shown below, the address of the closest parcel of land to Waypoint 2 is 6 Flagon Alley as can be seen more clearly in the Google maps image below. Although correct, it is confusing as the road in the address does not even connect to the road to be travelled.
Example 2:
In this example, the site to be reached is on the corner of an un-named road that is not shown on the Route Planner map. The address of the site is officially on this un-named road, as shown on Google maps. As shown on the Roads tab, the route to reach this site does not need to traverse this un-named road, hence the difference between the roads listed in the Plan and Roads tabs.